Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions

1.1. The subject of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is the relations between Logic Stars Group LLC (PSRN 1067761151920, Russia, 127572, Moscow, Uglichskaya st., 12, building 1, office 209), hereinafter "GLS", "Company" or "Operator", which is the copyright holder of websites, services, programs and / or other products, including of information, communication, advertising, educational, entertainment and other nature (hereinafter - the "Service"), located on the Internet at (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), as well as on other domains administered by the Company, and by individuals using the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the "User"), regarding the processing of information about the User, including personal data, in the process of using the Service by User (hereinafter referred to as the "Information"). The current version of the Policy is freely available on the Internet at

1.2. Relations related to the processing of information, including collection, use, storage, distribution and protection of information about Users of the Service, are governed by this Policy, Google API Services User Data Policy ( and other rules posted within the Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy"), as well as the current legislation of Russian Federation. Before starting to use the Company's Service, the User must read this Policy, as well as all applicable Rules.

1.3. This Policy has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data by the Company. The Operator sets as its most important goal and condition of its activities the observance of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the processing of ones personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

1.4. Upon registration, each access and / or actual use of the Service, the User agrees to the terms of this Policy, as well as the terms of agreements, provisions and rules of the Service used, as well as Consent to the processing of personal data in the current versions.

2. Basic Concepts Used in the Policy

2.1. Automated personal data processing– personal data processing via PC software;

2.2. Operator - state authority, municipal authority, legal entity or individual, who independently or jointly with other persons arranges and/or performs personal data processing, as well as defines the purposes of personal data processing, the volume of personal data subject to processing and actions performed towards personal data;

2.3. Personal data — any information related to directly or indirectly specified individual (personal data subject) of the website;

2.4. Personal data annihilation - actions making it impossible to restore personal data volume in the personal data information system and/or resulting in the elimination of tangible media;

2.5. Personal data blocking — temporary interruption of personal data processing (except where processing is required for personal data update or alteration);

2.6. Personal data depersonalization - actions making it impossible to identify personal data as related to a certain data subject without involving additional information;

2.7. Personal data distribution - actions aimed at personal data disclosure to uncertain group of persons (transfer of personal data) or familiarizing with personal data of an uncertain group of persons, including the disclosure of personal data in the media, placement in information and telecommunication networks or providing access to personal data in any other way;

2.8. Personal data information system — a set of personal data included into personal data databases, as well as the software and tools used for their processing;

2.9. Personal data presentation - actions aimed at personal data disclosure to a certain person or a certain group of people;

2.10. Personal data processing - any action (operation) or a series of actions (operations) performed towards personal data with or without use of the software, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, update and alteration, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, presentation, providing access), depersonalization, blocking, deleting and annihilation of personal data;

2.11. Trans-border transfer of personal data - transfer of personal data to a foreign territory, foreign government body, to a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity located in a foreign territory;

2.12. User – any visitor of the website;

2.13. Website – a set of graphic and information materials, as well as computer programs and databases that ensure their availability on the Internet at the network address

3. Information Processed by the Company

3.1. Information processed by the Company includes:

3.1.1. Credentials, which means:

(a) data about the User provided by the User to create an Account during the registration process in the Service:

- Full Name;

- E-mail address.

(b) additional information filled in by the User when editing his Account in the process of using the Service:

- Full Name;

- E-mail address;

- Contact number;

– Links to personal accounts in social media and messengers;

– Other personal information that the User adds / can add solely at ones own request.

(c) data additionally provided by the User at the request of the Company in order to fulfill the Company's obligations to the User arising from the agreement on the provision of the relevant Service, for example, full name, date of birth, gender, additional email address, mobile phone number, etc.;

3.1.2. Other data necessary for the operation of the Service, namely:

(a) data on technical means (devices), technological interaction with the Service (including, if necessary, the IP address of the host, type of the User's operating system, browser type, geographic location, Internet service provider);

(b) information automatically obtained when accessing the Service using cookies;

(c) information obtained as a result of the User's actions in the Service, in particular, information about the addition of any content;

(d) information obtained as a result of the actions of other Users in the Service;

(e) generalized analytical information about the use of Internet services.

The Accounting and other data processed by the Company to the extent necessary and sufficient for them to be classified as personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation are processed by the Company as personal data under the terms of this Policy.

3.2. The User is also given the opportunity to post in the Service any other information (if applicable), in addition to that specified in clause 2.1. of this Policy, if it does not contradict the requirements of the current legislation. The Company has no purpose to process such information, as well as biometric and special categories of personal data. By posting information, the User understands that it may be available to an indefinite circle of Internet users, taking into account the settings of the desired level of confidentiality.

3.3. If the functionality of the Service allows you to reflect information about the User in ones Account, which is available for viewing by other Users of such Service or Internet users, then the User agrees to display information about oneself in ones Account. The User agrees that the Information, including Credentials and other data, as well as other information may be available to other Users of the relevant Service and / or other Internet users, taking into account the existing functionality of the Service (which may be changed from time to time by the Company).

3.4. The Company does not verify the Credentials provided by the User and cannot judge their authenticity, as well as whether the User has sufficient legal capacity to provide Credentials. The Company assumes that the User provides reliable and sufficient Credentials, and also updates them in a timely manner. By registering in the relevant Service or accessing it without registration, the User confirms that one has reached the legal age for using such Service in accordance with applicable law.

3.5. Cookies processing:

Cookies are small pieces of data that websites request from the browser used on the User's computer or mobile device. Cookies are stored locally on the computer or mobile device of the Internet user. The Company collects and processes cookies in relation to Users visiting the Company's Services.

The Company Services use the following types of cookies:

· of the Website and the provision of the Service to the User; they also allow the Company to identify the User's hardware and software, including the type of browser;

· statistical / analytical cookies: allow to recognize Users, count their number and collect information, such as the operations performed on the websites, including information about the web pages visited and the content that the User receives;

· technical cookies: collect information about how Users interact with the website, which allows to identify errors and test new features to improve the performance of the Service;

· functional cookies: allow the provision of certain features to make the use of the Website easier, for example by storing preferences (such as language and location);

· (third party) tracking/advertising cookies: collect information about traffic sources, pages visited and advertisements displayed by the User. They allow the display of advertisements that may be of interest to the User, based on an analysis of the information collected about the User. They are also used for statistical and research purposes.

Cookies are processed by the Company solely for the purpose specified in clause 3.2 of this Policy, on the terms and in the manner determined by this Policy, in particular based on the data obtained through cookies, the Company develops the most useful functionality for the Service available to the User, conducts statistical research, fix errors in the Service and test new features to improve the performance of the Service, personalize and display the most relevant information for the User.

Information collected using cookies placed on the User's device may be transferred to and available to the Company and/or third parties specified in clause 3.4 of this Policy, as well as to companies that own the web analytics services such as Yandex.Metrika, Google Analytics and /or other similar services. The use of information outside the Service collected through cookies for advertising purposes, if any, may be subject to separate User agreements available on the websites of the Company or third parties. The Company and/or third parties may also provide the User with the opportunity to opt out of ad personalization, which may be subject to the laws and regulations applicable to such products and offers.

The User can refuse the processing of cookies in the settings of one's browser. In this case, the Service will use only those cookies that are strictly necessary for its functioning.

3.6. Processing information about the User's location.

The Company may receive and process information about the User's location as part of Other Data in compliance with the Purpose specified in clause 3.2 of this Policy, namely, to constantly improve the content of the Service, prevent and suppress any errors that may occur when using the Service, to personalize information (including advertising) available to the User in the Service, to provide the User with relevant recommendations, as well as to conduct statistical research.

The Company can receive and process information about the User's location of varying accuracy, which depends on the functionality of the Service, the settings selected by the User, the source of obtaining data on the User's location, as well as the need to process location data in order to provide the functionality of the Service to the User and improve user experience.

At the same time, the Company bases its assumptions about the User's location depending on the settings selected by the User in the browser or on the mobile device based on the User's IP address; device location information; and/or other information about the User's use of the Service.

The user can restrict the transmission of information about his location by changing the settings of his browser and / or mobile device.

3.7. The Company has the right to send notifications to the User about new products and services, special offers and various events, both individually and through mailing services. The User can always refuse to receive informational messages by sending a request to the Company to the e-mail address or by changing the appropriate settings in the Service Account.

4. Terms of Processing Information

4.1. The processing of User Information is carried out by the Company in accordance with the following principles of:

4.1.1. legitimacy of the purposes and methods of processing Information;

4.1.2. conscientiousness;

4.1.3. compliance of the purposes of processing the Information with the purposes predetermined and declared during its collection, as well as the competencies of the Company;

4.1.4. compliance of the volume and nature of the processed Information, methods of its processing with the purposes of processing the Information;

4.1.5. the inadmissibility of combining databases created for mutually incompatible purposes containing User Information.

4.2. Purposes of Information Processing

The Company processes Credentials and Other Data of the Users of the Service in order to fulfill the agreements concluded with the Users on the use of the Service, namely for the purposes of:

– user registration in the Service;

– providing customer support for the Service;

– receipt by the User of information about marketing events;

– conducting audits and other internal studies to improve the quality of services provided.

4.3. Data (Information) Collection

The User's Credentials are collected upon registration in the Service by filling out the registration form by the User, as well as in the future when the User edits the previously provided information or when supplementing the Credentials on one's own initiative (if applicable) using the Service's tools.

4.4. Processing and Transfer of Information

Credentials and Other data of Users are not transferred to any third parties, except as expressly provided for in this Policy, other applicable rules, as well as applicable law.

The Company may transfer Credentials and Other Data of Users to the third parties in compliance with the purposes and if there are grounds specified in this Policy. Such third parties may include:

- those who participate in the provision of Services related to the placement and display of information to Users (including offers relevant to the interests of Users) about the Services of the Company, icluding in programs, products or other services that are owned or controlled by such persons (for example, website and application owners, ad networks and others, etc.);

- those who have legal grounds to process the Credentials and Other Data, for example, if the transfer of the Credentilas and Other Data to such persons is carried out with the consent of the User, including if the Credentials and Other Data are necessary to provide the User with the appropriate service or to fulfill a certain agreement or contract concluded with the User. These persons include partners and affiliates of the Company, whose data processing is provided for by the terms of this Policy;

- third parties in respect of which the assignment of rights or obligations, or novation under the relevant agreement, has been made;

- any public authority or local government to which the Company is obliged to provide information in accordance with applicable law upon request.

In order to provide a high-quality, multifunctional, convenient Service, the Company develops, improves, optimizes the current and introduces new functionality of the Service (information, communication, advertising, education, entertainment and other), including with the participation of partners and/or affiliates.

In view of the foregoing, and also taking into account the Company's compliance with the processing purposes specified in clause 3.2 of this Policy, the User agrees and instructs the Company to carry out the following actions:

- processing, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), comparison, retrieval, use, blocking, removal/annihilation of Credentials and Other data of the User;

- transfer to partners and affiliates of Credentials and Other data, and their processing by partners and affiliates, on the basis of an order from the Company (in the ways specified in this clause), as well as joint processing by partners and affiliates of Credentials and Other data with the data available partners and affiliates;

- collection (receipt) from partners and/or affiliates of the results of processing Credentials and Other data together with data at the disposal of partners and affiliates, including in the form of integer and/or text values and identifiers.

Considering the nature and functional features of the Service, the Company may contribute to the activity of researching the market for goods and services, including the assessment of supply and demand, the promotion of goods, the analysis of the effectiveness of information, advertising and marketing campaigns carried out by generating depersonalized analytical information based on data on the use of the Service.

In some cases, certain functionality of the Service may be provided not by the Company, but by third parties who act independently of the Company and do not act on behalf of or on behalf of the Company. In this case, Users are obliged to independently familiarize themselves with the rules for the provision of services and the information/personal data protection policy of such third parties before using the relevant functionality of the Service.

It is not allowed to extract and use Accounting and Other data of Users, including for commercial purposes, without permission of the Company.

4.5. Data (Information) Storage

Credentials and Other data of users are stored on the territory of the Russian Federation, while storage is carried out exclusively on electronic media, and processing is carried out using automated systems, except for cases when non-automated processing of Credentials and Other data is necessary in connection with the fulfillment of the requirements of applicable law.

Credentials and Other data are stored until the goals of their processing are achieved, namely, during the entire period of use of the Company's Service by the User until the Account is deleted or until the Company receives the User's application to delete ones Personal Data. In the latter case, the User refuses to continue using the Service.

The operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all possible measures to exclude access to personal data of unauthorized persons.

4.6. Data (Information) Storage Period

Credentials and Other data are stored by the Company during the term of this Policy, and after the termination of an agreement - for the period necessary and established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.7. Termination of Information processing

Upon reaching the goals of processing Information, the Company stops processing Credentials and Other data in one of the ways provided for by the Federal Law "On Personal Data".

4.8. Trans-border transfer of personal data

Before the start of the trans-border transfer of Personal data, the Operator is obliged to make sure that the foreign state to whose territory the transfer of personal data is supposed to be carried out provides reliable protection of the rights of subjects of Personal data.

Trans-border transfer of Personal data on the territory of foreign states that do not meet the above requirements can be carried out only if there is a written consent of the subject of Personal data to the trans-border transfer of one's Personal data and / or execution of an agreement to which the subject of Personal data is a party.

5. Rights and Obligations of Users in the Processing of Their Information

5.1. get free access to Information about oneself by viewing the User Account in the Service;

5.2. using the Service tools, set the desired level of confidentiality (conditions for access to Information) in relation to Information about oneself, considering the functionality of the Service (if applicable);

5.3. independently make changes and corrections to Information about oneself by editing the information in the User Account, provided that such changes and corrections contain up-to-date and reliable Information;

5.4. delete Information about oneself by editing Information in the Service Account; at the same time, the removal by the User of certain Information about oneself from the User Account may lead to the inability to provide the User with access to the Service;

5.5. require the Company to clarify Information about the User, block it or destroy it if such information is incomplete, outdated, unreliable, unreasonably received or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing and if the functionality of the Service does not allow the User to delete such Information on his/her own;

5.6. based on a request, receive from the Company Information regarding the processing of Information about the User.

5.7. refuse to process Personal data by sending the Company, in the manner provided for in Section 7 of this Policy, a relevant request.

6. Information Security Measures

6.1. The Company takes technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the protection of information about Users from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.

6.2. Technical security measures are implemented by the Company considering the requirements of applicable law, the state of the techics, the nature of the processed information and the risks associated with its processing.

Information is processed primarily automatically without access to it by employees and/or contractors of the Company. If such access is provided to employees or contractors of the Company, then only to the extent necessary for such persons to perform their official duties or obligations under an agreement with the Company, while such persons are obliged to comply with security requirements when accessing the Information. To protect and maintain data confidentiality, all employees/contractors follow internal rules and procedures regarding the processing of information. These persons also comply with all technical and organizational security measures provided for by applicable law and necessary to protect information about Users.

7. Limitation of Liability of the Company

7.1. The Company is not responsible for the disclosure and dissemination of information about the User by other Users of the Service or other users of the Internet if such persons have gained access to the specified information in accordance with the settings of the Service confidentiality level chosen by the User, or if the User violates the safety of his login and/ or password or other data necessary for authorization.

8. User Requests

8.1. Information about the data processed by the Company, including the User's personal data, in connection with User's use of the Service is provided to the User or his representative upon contact (request).

8.2. Requests are sent in the written form to address of the Company's location, to the Company's e-mail address or in another form provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. The user has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of his personal data by sending a written application to the Company at the Company's location or at the Company's email address in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.

9. Changes and Additions to the Policy

9.1. This Policy may be changed by the Company at any time by posting a new version of the Policy on its website without personal notice to the Users. Changes to the Policy made by the Company shall come into force on following day after the day of posting on the Website. The User undertakes to independently check this Policy for any changes made. The User's failure to perform familiarization actions cannot serve as a basis for the User's failure to fulfill its obligations and the User's failure to comply with the restrictions established by this Policy.

9.2. The User has the right to refuse to accept changes and additions to this Policy, which means the User's refusal to use the Service and all rights previously granted to him.

9.3. This Policy is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by this Policy shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Consent to the processing of personal data

Upon registration, each access and / or actual use of the Service, the User agrees to the collection, processing, storage, use of one's personal data on the basis of Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006 and the

The purpose of processing personal data is the proper fulfillment by Logic Stars Group LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator") of its obligations under the agreements concluded with the User on the use of the Service (Terms of Service) – namely:

– user registration in the Service

– providing customer support for the Service

– receipt by the User of information about marketing events

– conducting audits and other internal studies in order to improve the quality of services provided.

Personal data means any personal information that allows to identify the User, such as:

- Full Name

- Contact number

- E-mail address

- Links to personal accounts in social networks and instant messengers

- Other personal information that the user adds / can add at one's own request

Users' personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using automated systems, except in cases where manual processing of personal data is necessary in connection with the fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Company undertakes not to transfer the received personal data to third parties, except in the following cases:

- those who participate in the provision of Services related to the placement and display of information to Users (including offers relevant to the interests of Users) about the Services of the Company, icluding in programs, products or other services that are owned or controlled by such persons (for example, website and application owners, ad networks and others, etc.);

- those who have legal grounds to process the Credentials and Other Data, for example, if the transfer of the Credentilas and Other Data to such persons is carried out with the consent of the User, including if the Credentials and Other Data are necessary to provide the User with the appropriate service or to fulfill a certain agreement or contract concluded with the User. These persons include partners and affiliates of the Company, whose data processing is provided for by the terms of this Policy;

- third parties in respect of which the assignment of rights or obligations, or novation under the relevant agreement, has been made;

- any public authority or local government to which the Company is obliged to provide information in accordance with applicable law upon request.

We provide third parties with the minimum amount of personal data necessary only to comply with legal requirements, provide the required service or complete the necessary transaction.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, personal data subjects have the following rights:

1) access to their personal data;

2) prior consent and immediate termination of processing upon request when processing personal data in order to promote goods, works, services on the market;

3) arising from decision-making based solely on automated processing of their personal data;

4) appeal against the actions or inaction of the Operator;

5) other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Personal data is stored until the goals of their processing are achieved, namely, during the entire period of the User's use of the Company's Service until the Account is deleted or until the Company receives a written application from the User in free form to delete his Personal Data. In the latter case, the User refuses to continue using the Service.

The Company reserves the right to make changes unilaterally to this Consent and the Privacy Policy of the Service, provided that the changes do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Changes to the terms of these rules come into force after they are published on the Website.